PSA Ombuds Office

The Ombuds service of the PSA provides confidential and impartial assistance with PSA-related experience, conflict, communication, informal complaint resolution, and problem solving.

PSA Ombuds are independent and neutral persons with whom all society members and conference attendees at all levels may correspond or speak confidentially, informally, and off-the-record about PSA-related concerns or questions.

Ombuds can facilitate the informal resolution of an issue, if requested by a respondent and when informal resolution is a better fit for the situation than is escalation to more adversarial, costly, and time-consuming formal processes.  But Ombuds will neither make recommendations nor take action unless such aid is requested by a respondent.

Please reach out to PSA Ombuds Joyce C. Havstad or Deputy Ombuds Anya Plutynski, in person or via email sent to as needed.  Respondents should feel free to write anonymously if preferred. 

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