Interest Group Lunches

Philosophy of Medicine – Nov 10 

Host: Jonathan Fuller 

Location: Vallozzi's Pittsburgh

Capacity: 20

Come and talk philosophy of medicine and philosophy of psychiatry! Organized by the International Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable and the new journal Philosophy of Medicine.

Open Access publication in philosophy of science – Nov 11
Hosts: David Teira, Zvi Biener (Phil-Sci Archive), Jon Fuller (Phil of Medicine), Sabina Leonelli (Open Science studies), Bryan Roberts (BSPS Open)

Location: Vallozzi's Pittsburgh
Capacity: 12

How to change the world with "engaged philosophy of science" – Nov 12

Host: Michiru Nagatsu

Location: Buon Giorno Café

Capacity: 10

Please sign up here if you would like to attend one of these lunches. We will be maintaining waiting lists for these events. If you sign up, please honor your commitment to attend or notify if you cannot. The PSA is NOT subsidizing the meals, but simply helping to facilitate their organization. Each attendee at the meals will be responsible for paying for her or his own meal. 

If you are interested in organizing an interest group lunch, please reach out to

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