Special Issue Submission Information

There are two special issues (SI) of the journal Philosophy of Science associated with the conference. The December 2023 issue will have accepted Contributed papers and the Presidential Address of Alison Wylie. The December 2024 issue will have accepted Symposia papers and the Presidential Address of John Dupre.

Submissions are closed for the December 2023 Special Issue.

Submission of Symposia papers for consideration for the December 2024 Special Issue of Philosophy of Science:

All presenters in accepted symposia at PSA 2022 are eligible to submit an article-length version of their talk for consideration for inclusion in the Special Issue of the journal Philosophy of Science. The submitted paper should reflect the content of the talk (including, when relevant, discussions that arose out of the talk and symposium itself).

As a reminder: every presentation in a symposium is eligible to submit a paper for consideration in the special issue. Each participant decides on their own - there is no need to coordinate submission among the participants in a symposium. The Program committee, who reviewed all submissions for the program, also reviews these submissions, beginning in April (no reviewing will occur before the submission deadline). Because there is very little chance for revision, the comments from reviewers tend to be quite sparse compared to regular journal reviewer comments. The special issue will come out in December 2024. For accepted papers, there will be a short window to finalize anything that might need changing, and once the final version is accepted and below the hard upper limit of 5000 words, that paper counts as forthcoming in the journal. So, for example, such a paper could appear on a CV as forthcoming as early as mid to late summer 2023.

Important note: As Dryfta is being phased out, we made the decision to run this review process through the journal itself. Please note that you must submit the article by selecting the type of submission as "Symposia Paper" in order to be considered. If you do not select submission as a Symposia Paper, then your article will go through the regular review process, which will not result in consideration for this special issue. The same Program Committee members will be reviewing (submissions will not be sent out through the journal's regular channels for review).


DUE DATE: Symposium papers must be submitted no later than April 20th, 2023.


LENGTH: Symposium papers are strictly limited to 5,000 words all inclusive - title, abstract, body, notes, figures, and references. The journal uses an estimate of 167 words displaced per figure, graph, or diagram. Because of page limitations on the special issue, these will be strictly adhered to before final acceptance. Submissions that are found to be over the wordcount limit may be pre-emptively rejected, since it may provide an unfair advantage over papers that adhere to the wordcount limit.


FORMATTING: It is easiest if submissions are formatted for the journal. Cambridge University Press's formatting guidelines for Philosophy of Science can be found here, in bullet  number 2 especially. There is also a template for Latex available there.


ANONYMOUS REVIEW: Please ensure that your paper does not contain information that communicates your identity to reviewers. Though in some cases reviewers will know who wrote a paper, and though there are obvious ways for reviewers to learn author identities, they will be asked to refrain from seeking out this information. Thank you for respecting the anonymity of this process.


WHERE TO SUBMIT: Papers should be submitted through Editorial Manager (https://www.editorialmanager.com/phos) with "Symposia Paper" as the article type.


DECISIONS: The Program Committee aims to make decisions regarding publication by the end of June 2023. Papers will be evaluated individually; your paper can still be accepted for publication regardless of the status of other papers in your symposium.   


If you have any questions about this process, please get in touch with Holly Andersen at psa2022@philsci.org. If you have questions about Editorial Manager or assessing your submission length, please contact the journals Managing Editor Margaret Farrell at journal@philsci.org.

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