Nov 13, 2022 09:00 AM - 11:45 AM(America/New_York)
20221113T0900 20221113T1145 America/New_York Expanding the Frontier Between Philosophy of Science and Bioethics

Philosophers of science have a critical role to play in analyzing technical scientific concepts underlying pressing ethical debates, including informed consent, scientific racism, and human genome editing. Growing awareness of a connection between philosophy of science and bioethics raises an important question: How would scholarship progress if philosophers of science engaged more deliberately with issues that inform bioethical debates? This symposium will demonstrate a variety of ways in which collaborations and cross-disciplinary conversations between bioethicists and philosophers of science can be mutually beneficial in the areas of genomics and genetics.

Smithfield PSA 2022
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Philosophers of science have a critical role to play in analyzing technical scientific concepts underlying pressing ethical debates, including informed consent, scientific racism, and human genome editing. Growing awareness of a connection between philosophy of science and bioethics raises an important question: How would scholarship progress if philosophers of science engaged more deliberately with issues that inform bioethical debates? This symposium will demonstrate a variety of ways in which collaborations and cross-disciplinary conversations between bioethicists and philosophers of science can be mutually beneficial in the areas of genomics and genetics.

University of Adelaide
University of Pittsburgh
Columbia University
University of Minnesota
Graduate student
University of Cincinnati
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