Science journalism is an under-examined topic in our field. This is surprising, given the many points of connection between the presumptive goals of science journalism and topics of perennial interest in philosophy of science (discussed in detail in the long description below). The primary goal of the proposed symposium is to open discussion on these connections in order to promote philosophical research in this area. To this end, Mikkel Gerken, Vanessa Schipani, Chris Haufe and Matthew Slater will present on topics including conflict between the norms of accuracy and harm in science journalism and the practice of reporting science in a manner that appeals to the social values of the public. To ensure our philosophy relates honestly to journalistic practice, we’ve invited practicing journalists to participate in the symposium. Having journalists present also serves the symposium’s secondary goal: To form a stronger partnership with journalists in their communication of science to the public. In addition to three presentations by philosophers, our program will include a panel and Q&A with the journalists on meaningful avenues of connection between philosophers and journalists. Given the inclusion of this panel, we request a three-hour slot to allow for adequate time for discussion.